In 1989, transfer student Tammie Pritchett (Anna Kaye) upsets the delicate social balance of Hellgate High when she unwittingly attracts boys away from her hell-bent rival Tammy Sylvester (Jessica Aceti). While Tammy fights to bring down the newcomer, Tammie stays afloat with the help of a new lesbian pal. The laughs -- and the hair -- are big in this affectionate salute to the '80s high school experience, shot on location in western Washington.

For her debut feature, filmmaker Phoebe Owens wrote, directed, and produced Tammytown— based loosely on her teen years. The movie worked on a budget around the same cost of a new(ish) car and relied heavily on the support of the incredible Pacific NW community. A small army of volunteers, actors, artists, and technicians came together in Olympia, Washington to make Tammytown. Phoebe lives in Portland, Or where she grew up.

The film is available for purchase, via Netflix, and the library


Produced, Written & Directed by: Phoebe Owens

Produced By: Liz Sales, Kevin Bunce, Dave Cramton

Director of Photography: Dave Cramton

Music By: Jenny Jenkins, Kelly Ray Smith, Michael Lefevre

Cast: Jessica Aceti, Anna Kaye, Catie Gerlach, Max DeJarnatt

See more cast & crew at IMDB


So, Who Did You Hate in High School?